What Makes Osteopathy Different?

Osteopathy is a totally natural, holistic form of treatment that seeks to address a number of issues in the body through hands on manipulation of the muscles, joints, nerves, and organs of the body.

Manual Osteopaths are very well regarded in their ability to treat both acute and chronic pain and many people who try Osteopathy swear by it after seeing the results of even just a few treatments.

One thing that really separates Manual Osteopaths from other health practitioners is our deep philosophy and holistic approach to healing. The core value of the Osteopathic approach is the

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Concussion Treatment

Treatment For Concussion:

Are you or anyone you know suffering from a concussion?

Did you know that Cranial Osteopathy is becoming increasingly recognized as an effective healing modality for concussions and traumatic brain injury?

The skull is made up of 22 different bones. These bones are connected by joints called sutures. The sutures are not fused together but actually accommodate for a small amount of movement – They help to accommodate for the changes of pressure and circulation of fluids in and around the brain – and also help in absorbing shock and trauma from blows to the head.


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Next Silent Retreat: September 26-29

Its happening again!

We will be providing treatments at the next silent retreat with Phoenix Healing Arts in September!! Come sit in your true presence of being from Sept 26-29 and touch the silence with-in.

Heal, laugh, love, play, feel – and above all hear your inner voice once more.

There arn’t enough words to describe how deeply healing and profound a silent retreat can be. 
Only in Silence can you reach the deep states of meditation talked about in a Yoga class.

Only in Silence can you find true rest for your soul.

Get your spot NOW and SAVE

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Cranial Osteopathy

Cranial Osteopathy

Cranial Osteopathy is a form of bodywork that focuses on treating disorders of the skull – Although this can also have far reaching effects in other places of the body.

The human skull is made up of 22 different bones. These bones are partially fused together by joints called sutures. The sutures of the skull are not completely fused and allow for small movements. These movements not only help to accommodate for the circulation of blood and cerebrospinal fluid – But they also help in absorbing shock and trauma from blows to the head.

Problems stemming from genetics,

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